
Well what do you know, I managed to actually get a domain with my name in it that isn’t full of underscores and other random characters. One of the downfalls of having a ridiculously common name.

I’m almost the real life Joe Bloggs.

Anyway, I have managed to get this domain although I had to use my middle initial to make it unique. That explains the ‘g’ part in case you were wondering.

This blog aims to serve as my creative outlet, so to speak.

There will be case studies, guides and general articles surrounding my role as Digital Marketing Strategist at StudioNEC as well as industry news.

Unfortunately, there’s not much more that can be posted in a welcome message. Not really sure what you expected by clicking on this, but alas it probably wasted a few moments of your day.

Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and I promise that any future posts won’t be as dull and will only provide value to your life.

I look forward to seeing you around here in future.

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